Nucleus toolbar in comments [plugin v. 0.3]

This is a small addition to the version 0.2 that marks all links in the comments as «external nofollow».

Comparing to the version 0.1 there are two more usability features inherited from the version 0.2:

  1. This version uses custom made buttons instead of admin area buttons.
  2. This version includes two stylesheets («screen» and «print» medias) available through skinvar.


  1. Unzip the file using the link below[download=]
  2. Upload the ‘NP_CommentButtons.php’ and ‘commentbuttons’ directory to your plugin directory.
  3. Install the plugin.
  4. Either add content of commentbuttons/buttons-screen.css to your skin stylesheet or use CommentButtons skinvar as explained below.

How to use the plugin

«Bold it», «Italic it», «Add Media» and «Add Link» buttons will appear above text area of the comment form for logged-in users as soon as plugin is installed. Just use them.

Available SkinVars and/or TemplateVars

Skinvar <%CommentButtons%>.
This skinvar shall be used within <HEAD> section of the item part of your skin to add links to commentbuttons/buttons-screen.css and commentbuttons/buttons-print.css stylesheets

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