NP_gallery 0.94 patch set 01

This patchset is outdated. Please follow the link to patchset #3.

Quick patch set #1 for NP_gallery Nucleus plugin v. 0.94

Problems summary:

  1. On «Admin Functions» tab in «Gallery Admin Page» clicking on Cleanup button causes "Fatal error: Class ‘BaseActions’ not found in …/nucleus/plugins/gallery/list_class.php on line 77"
    This error is introduced with an upgrade to Nucleus 3.31.
    Fix: functions.php
  2. Choosing «Modify Album» button at album page causes "Fatal error: Class ‘BaseActions’ not found in …/nucleus/plugins/gallery/list_class.php on line 77"
    This error is introduced with an upgrade to Nucleus 3.31.
    Fix: admin.php
  3. On album admin page adding a team member does nothing if a member is already included into team for some other album.
    This error is not related to Nucleus 3.31.
    Fix: admin.php
  4. If no albums are defined gallery main page displays SQL message «Warning: mysql_data_seek(): Offset 0 is invalid for MySQL result index 49 in …/nucleus/plugins/gallery/admin.php on line 527».
    This error is not related to Nucleus 3.31.
    Fix: admin.php
  5. If sort order for album is not defined album page displays SQL warning message.
    This error is not related to Nucleus 3.31.
    Fix: album_class.php
  6. The problem which is described at this Nucleus support forum thread. The bad thing with the solution proposed above is SQL warning message at «Modify Album» form which is fixed here.
    This error is not related to Nucleus 3.31.
    Fix: form.php

Download ZIP file using the link below , unzip it and replace files at nucleus/gallery folder as needed to fix the problem(s).[download=]

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